
World Bank : It’s Not Easy Doing Business in Indonesia

1 min read
October 31, 2011

A recent report from World Bank tries to analyze whether Indonesia is a “business friendly” country in terms of how easy it is to start a business in Indonesia. By “business” we mean people trying to start a company or a foreign company tries to enter the Indonesian market.

In this report called “The Ease of Doing Business in Indonesia 2012“, Indonesia is at the #129 out of 183 economies analyzed by World Bank. It’s not exactly a good news especially looking at the fact that Indonesia goes down 3 spots from last year. Not a good thing indeed.

Factors like firm registration bureaucracy, infrastructure and tax structure is the 3 most important weak point for Indonesia compared to other countries. Although on the other side, according to World Bank’s report , Indonesia is pretty good at protecting investors and cross-border trading.

Looking at the fact that the creative and digital industry is currently flourishing in Indonesia, I think the government should *really* start paying attention and focuses on how they can create regulations that supports the growth of the industry. This includes protecting the players and consumer in the digital arena. I wrote a piece on the things we really need the government to do to support the industry, under the same tone of this report from World Bank.

You can download the complete report from World Bank here. (PDF)

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]

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