
SalingSilang’s New Looks

2 mins read
June 1, 2011

May 25 was a historical day for SalingSilang. They are redoing their looks to adjust their growing business. The last time they had a makeover was on July 2010, almost a year ago. Like Enda Nasution said to Budi Putra end of March 2011, SalingSilang aims to have 50 websites in its network, and looks like they are heading that way.

As mentioned on their official blog, there are some explicit changes on content side. There’re some additional information called, “Rubrik” (Corner). There are Rubrik Peristiwa, Laporan, Gerakan, and Komik (Event, Report, Movements, and Comic). The corner is acting as canals with unique names. Other than that on your right side you can also see latest updates regaring trending topics in Indonesian Twitter.

They also have Facebook Page Indonesia Directory monitoring and featuring Indonesian Facebook Pages listed based on how many “like”, displayed daily in graphics. It turns out that Dahsyat and Mario Teguh (famous tv show and motivational speaker in Indonesia) have over 4 million likes on Facebook! Of course you will understand if the list is filled by local artists’ name, although there are a few names outside of the domain, like Ust. Yusuf Mansur and BlackBerry Indonesia. The next one is Jejaring SalingSilang, where there are a total of 20 websites under SalingSilang managements.

Next, SalingSilang has a number of new segments, like:

On SalingSilang.com’s new website launcing, new members of SalingSilang were introduced, they were:

  1. Kufoto — website with photos as main content. You can share and learn about photography and follow activities organized by the community.
  2. Twitalk — light conversation with experts to share their expertise. The conversation is formatted online on Twitter.
  3. Akademi Berbagi — A social movement as media to exchange knowledge. It was conducted only in Jakarta at first, but now you can attend this event in other cities like Bandung, Semarang, Jogjakarta, Medan, Ambon, Palembang, and Surabaya.
  4. GUSDURian — Who doesn’t know Gus Dur? He was one of the greatest people in this country. In GUSDURian, you can share and learn his thinking.
  5. Srimulat — Made to accommodate people’s yearning for Srimulat (legendary local comedy group), a group dedicated itself to local entertainment. Other than that, this website also wants to invite other local art groups in Indonesia.

As addition, we heard rumor of a Twitter client acquisition, the one that’s been SalingSilang closest companion, Tuitwit. Tuitwit is a mobile web based Twitter client claimed as having Indonesian taste and has red element match with white background. Of course SalingSilang is the one being rumored as acquiring Tuitwit. We are still waiting for confirmation from Judotens Maulid Budiarto (Judo) as Tuitwit founders and SalingSilang’s engineer on this.

We’d like to congratulate SalingSilang for the milestone and keep moving toward guiding blog and social media development in Indonesia.

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