
Politikana’s 2nd Anniversary, with More than 16K Articles

2 mins read
April 28, 2011

Yesterday, Politikana held a party to commemorate their 2nd anniversary. I did not attend the event, but reading the event progress from #Obsat and news from ObsatPolitikana and Ndorokakung Twitter accounts.

Since I did not attend, I will not go into discussions at the event, but I want to discuss about some statistical data from Politikana until this year. There are some interesting datas about user activity using UGC site, one of the family members of SalingSilang.

Politikana itself is one of the sites of the quite dominant SalingSilang network, especially from the active members and growing discussions on their site. Politikana is the first and only Web 2.0 political site in Indonesia. This site is a venue for users to write their opinions, discuss, and interact, via comments and ratings about political themes in the broad sense. As explained on their site, Politikana aims to provide political experience directly to an online generation in Indonesia.

Statistics (I quoted from the photos shared on Twitter by @ndorokakung) states that after two years is there are 16.768 articles on Politikana with 324 mobile articles, while for comments there are already 329.418 comments and 174.771 ratings on the site.

Currently, Politikana is only two years old and have a presentation of new visitors by 57.91% and 42.09% regular visitors. While the operating systems accessesd their site are Windows with a presentation of 85.92%, then the Mac 4.01%, Linux 2.53%, OS BlackBerry 0.44% and others at 7.10%.

For mobile devices, most access is BlackBerry users with presentations by 41.91% and 28.08% for Nokia, iPhone at 16.73%, 15.61% for iPad, and Symbian OS 8.66%, 7.02% for Android and other mobile devices at 17.01%.

Although it is not detail enough, but this can give a bit of idea that the BlackBerry, iPhone and iPad, in addition to Nokia as the largest mobile device to access Politikana. In addition to the popularity of smart mobile device users which increases, this could also be influenced by the character of the Politikana users itself. The political themes that are targeted by the site is more or less influence the selection of access of their sites. A good level of literacy of the Internet and political knowledge provide a reference among their users who are having smart device, educated and internet savvy.

SalingSilang itself, as written by DailySocial is developing their network, which plans to reach 50 pieces. SalingSilang also seek to support the development of social media in Indonesia.

Obsat (Obrolan Langsat), as part of the SalingSilang family also often held offline events to build a community that has formed in the online. The two synergies are mutually supportive to create a community for SalingSilang Network.

As explained in DailySocial article, SalingSilang who are now in version 2 provides various data about the development of social media world in Indonesia. SalingSilang also becomes a front guard for a wide range of Langsat networking services. They are also routinely released a report relating to social media in Indonesia.

Happy birthday to Politikana, may continue to benefit and more mature.

[Source image Source of statistical data]

Translated by Nita Sellya.

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