
Now Anything.ID with 2-4 Character Domain Names Can Be Registered

1 min read
January 21, 2015

The intensive utilization of internet among Indonesians nowadays opens the possibility of th edirect usage of High Level Domain (HLD) .id without having to get through the LLD (like .co.id for instance) first. In fact, Pandi, the Indonesian manager of domain names, publicly announced yesterday (19/01) that they’re currently welcoming anyone who wants to have an Anything.ID domain with 2-4 characters, from usually minimum 5 characters.

The people indeed have shown quite significant increase of interest upon using the .id domain compared to last year, when the domain was used by around 123 thousand users. Pandi claimed that this positive trend is largely helped by the equal distribution of internet among businessmen, schools, and villages.

The limited Anything.ID domain is a domain which contains only two to four characters (take id.id or mine.id as an example).The registration period is publicly open from January 19, 2015 to February 13, 2015. After the registration period ends, Pandi will select the names which meet the requirements and announce them on February 18, 2015.

By doing this program, Pandi expects to increase the adoption of .id domain as an Indonesian national identity, as well as minimize the possibilities of error in the future. As an instance to the latter statement, let’s take a look at what Tempo did, as they changed their previous domain, Tempo.co.id, to the current Tempo.co, without realizing that the .co domain is Columbia’s ccLTD (country code top-level domain).

The interests toward short domain isn’t only possessed by Indonesians, but also by people around the world as well, as a short domain is seen as a powerful tool to help promoting brands on internet.

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