
MariNyanyi Creates and Distributes Indonesian Children Song

1 min read
June 18, 2012

Unlike when I was little, children nowadays prefer teenage or adult songs with a theme unsuitable for them. One of the reason is there are no qualified song for children sung by child singer.

Apparently, there’s a song writer concerns about this issue. Djito Kasilo, who works as strategic planner, creates MariNyanyi (lets sing in Indonesian), a website which provides a lot of songs for children. These songs are available to be played directly in MariNyanyi and free to download. Djito even hopes there’s someone willing to download the songs, put them in a CD and give them away to schools and orphanages.

The website also enables user to suggest a theme to be made into song for children. From those suggestions, Ayah Djito (Djito’s nickname in MariNyanyi) will write a song and upload it to MariNyanyi.

MariNyanyi, intended for children, has a colorful look for the website. MariNyanyi has 3 mascots, namely Bubu, Sisi, and Koko which are the representation of singers in MariNyanyi. Currently, there are 145 songs with various themes and positive message available for download.

User can also give a rate for the songs on MariNyanyi. MariNyanyi also has a Facebook Page so user can interact with Ayah Djito and other users.

If you are interested to educate for child through a song, you can try MariNyanyi service.

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