
Learn to Invest with “Rich Game” from NgaturDuit

1 min read
July 24, 2012

Last Wednesday, NgaturDuit launched a game for Facebook platform called Rich Game. In the development of Rich Game, NgaturDuit is supported by Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (BAPEPAM-LK) – Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency and USAID. USAID supports the development of this game by granting a Bantuan Pengembangan Analisis Ekonomi di Indonesia – Support for Economic Analysis Development in Indonesia/SEADI program.

Rich Game is an online game which educates people on how to optimize financial products, particularly investment products, in Indonesia. In Rich Game, player will face many economic and financial scenario obstacles so they can simulate how to reach certain economic and financial condition.

Some of investment products available inside the Rich Game are 4 mutual funds (fixed income, mixed income, stock and syariah), savings both conventional and syariah, deposit, gold, life insurance, health insurance and unit-link insurance.

Not only playing game, the player also gets access to discussion forum and information goods/service products in article and video. Financial experts from NgaturDuit team will also jump in the virtual chatroom periodically so the player can interact with them and consult on their financial problems.

According to Aidil Akbar from NgaturDuit, as reported by AntaraNews, Rich games is made with the goal to educate and gives an investment experience to the public. Formerly, Aidil saw that Indonesian people still lacking the education about optimizing financial product.

This game is inteded for everyone who have an interest to learn about financial products, even highschooler can. If people responded well to this, Api Perdana, CEO of NgaturDuit says there will be a chance for the game to be developed for other platforms such as Android, Blackberry and Windows.

If you are interested to play this game, please visit the app page on Facebook. This game will be developed even further by adding options of investment products and adding difficulties for every level.

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