
Jogja’s Events This Weekend: SparxUp Seminar, Gamelan, and IDBYTE

2 mins read
May 26, 2011

Jogja will be a merrier city by this weekend thanks to three startup events. SparxUp Seminar on May 27, 2011 at University Club Gadjah – Mada University, and on the same day there will be GameDev StartUp Community Jogja – Gamelan launching at Potret Cafe, Taman Kuliner Condong Catur, Sleman. On Saturday May 28, 2011 IDBYTE will be held at STIMIK AMIKOM.

As for SparxUp, last March the seminar was held in Yogya on “Technology Trends for Digital”. This month’s SparxUp theme will be the same like FOWAB‘s theme recently, “Monetizing Mobile Advertising Era”. SparxUp Jogja this time collaborates with Bancakan 2.0 and will be assisted by friends from HIMAKOM.

The speakers will be Edo Pamungkas – Mobile Platform Manager from Merah Putih Incubator and one guest speaker Sigit Purnomo – Founder Personaflag.com (winner of SparxUp 2010for Mobile Category). The event will be held on May 27, 2011 at University Club Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Pancasila No.2 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta on 19.00-22.00 WIB.

Registration fee is Rp.10.000/person incl. dinner, limited for 100 seats only. You can contact Ismet (089671491006) or ([email protected]), follow Twitter account @sparxup, or visit their official website Sparxup.com. They will talk about how to monetize a mobile application by adding ads, and how to get revenue from an ad at mobile application. Interesting theme, I’m really looking forward to attending the event.

At the same day and time there will be Gamelan – GameDev Jogja StartUp Community and socializing INAICTA 2011 at Potret Cafe, Jln Anggajaya III – Taman Kuliner, Condong Catur, Sleman on May 27, 2011, 19.00-21.00. In this first meetup Gamelan collaborates with INAICTA 2011 team. Other than presenting well experienced speakers in game dev world, there will be sharing from INAICTA 2011 organizers and some success stories from INAICTA’s previous winners. The speakers on game dev are Frida Dwi (UB Games) and Kris Antoni (Toge Production), and some speakers from INAICTA 2011 who will socialize their event.

Gamelan initiators are game developers from several game dev studios in Jogja, among others are Guntur Sarwohadi from SoybeanSoft, Frida Dwi from UB Games, Fachry Bafadal and Didiet Noor from Guava Games. Gamelan is inspired by Bancakan 2.0, the event was admitted as refreshing by digital enthusiast in Jogja. By having this community I expect game dev world in Jogja can develop more than other cities and goes international. It’s about time for Jogja to deliver reliable game developers and capable to compete globally.

IDBYTE Jogja will be talk about “Overview of Opportunity in Digital Industry” collaborates with FOSSIL. The event will be held Saturday May 28, 2011 at Ruang Citra 1 – STIMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Jln. Ringroad Utara, Condong Catur Depok Sleman, on 08.00-11.00 WIB. The speakers will be Yansen Kamto (Executive Director of IDBYTE), Rama Mamuaya (CEO Daily Social), Nanda Ivens (Director of Edelman Digital Indonesia), and Pitra Satvika (Founder Stratego), but from IDBYTE’s Tweet looks like Rama Mamuaya will not be able to attend the event. Offline registrtation will be on May 19-27 2011, 09.00 – 15.00 WIB at Basement 2, STIMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Online registration can be found here, free of charge. Please contact Andri Hermawan (085643257816) for further info.

So if if you happened to live in Jogja, or even outside of Jogja, and you have free time this weekend, these are events you should consider to attend.

Disclosure: Dailysocial is one of SparxUp Awards 2010 organizers and Media Partner of IDBYTE.

Bonang Setoaji, often called Bon is DailySocial’s contributor in Jogja. He’s a student of STIMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta and admits of starting to get interested in IT world since elementary school. He likes to study programming, graphic design, photography, and bicycling. He is also active in @Friday_Ride and @bancakan community in Jogja.

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