
HackerSpace Malang Relocates and Changes Name to HackerStation

1 min read
September 29, 2011

On September 27th 2011, Stasion, a startup community in Malang announced on their official blog that HackerSpace Malang will be relocated to INBIS Brawijaya University. Previously, it was in front of Muhammadiyah University of Malang. According to the decision of Stasion caretakers, they also change the name from HackerSpace to HackerStasion. This decision is to make it easy to spell the name and make it a unique identity.

Last July, Rama came to Malang and was the speaker for the Stasion 4th Meetup. I was there to join the meetup. After the meetup, Stasion caretakers like Heru, Revandi, and Amar took me to the HackerSpaceMLG in front of Muhammadiyah University of Malang. I think the place is very good. At that time, I was thinking that it might be the best and the most comfortable hackerspace in Indonesia. But because of the incompatibility with the place owner, the caretakers decided to move the HackerSpace to INBIS Brawijaya University.

There are another reasons why HackerSpace is moved to INBIS Brawijaya University that are the agreement to support the startups in Malang, the large space, and the internet with 10mbps speed from INBIS. 24 hours facilities, and the support from INBIS to “incubate” the startup with good business model.

Both Stasion and INBIS Brawijaya Univesity have important roles on this HackerStasion. INBIS takes the role as the incubator who gives free facilities and Station takes the role as the mediator between startups, it is like being mentor for incubated startups in INBIS to grow.

The requirements for startups to get the facilities from INBIS are:

  • Live in Malang and run the business in Malang
  • Officially registered on Stasion Facebook Group and in Google Group (Stasion mailing list)
  • The business should be active (not only an idea)
  • Have clear vision and mission to the business they run
  • Have business plan and have a willingness to do pitching in front of INBIS team and Stasion
  • Selected startup should make activity logs (daily activity notes) during their stay at INBIS and reported every month-end

The mechanism to register your startup is:

  • Complete the registration form here
  • Selected member should do pitching to see their seriousness and their business plan
  • The registration will be closed on October 2nd, 2011
  • Selection will be done around 3 – 10 October 2011 located in HackerStation INBIS at 09:00 am to 04:00 pm
  • Member should pay Rp. 100.000 as monthly fee to support Stasion’s activities
  • Selected member should do evaluation on their startup every 6 months

From all the criteria, I like to call it HackerStasion than HackerSpace Malang. Why? Because from the criteria mentioned, INBIS is more like accelerator and incubator so that it is not the same with the planned hackerspace, as explained here about hackerspace definition.

I hope that the HackerStasion can support the startups growth in Malang. Good luck for HackerStasion!

[image source]

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