Sebagai salah satu portal berita terbesar, sudah sepantasnya Detik lebih dalam ke ranah mobile. Situs versi mobilenya pun kini didaulat sebagai portal berita mobile terpopuler di Indonesia. Namun sepertinya bisnis dari Detik di sisi mobile masih terbatas di partnership transaksi RBT dengan Indosat, bahkan layanan SMS-nya masih sangat minim.
Hal inilah yang menjadi PR dari Ario Tamat, GM Mobile Detik yang baru. Ario mulai bekerja memantapkan bisnis mobile di Detik sejak bulan April lalu, setelah sebelumnya bekerja menjadi Universal Music Group dan Soundbuzz sebelum diakuisisi oleh Motorola.
Berikut petikan perbincangan saya dengan Ario Tamat :
Job description “GM Mobile” di Detik itu apa? Sebelumnya posisi ini dipegang siapa?
GM for Mobile here, well, supervises the Mobile division in Currently Detik’s Mobile business includes running all of Indosat’s music services (ringbacktone, ringtones, etc) on behalf of Indosat, from coordinating the various tech systems to helping to coordinate marketing efforts for these music services. Other businesses are mainly SMS info-based services and providing’s news feed to handset and mobile platform vendors. There are other services in the pipeline but I won’t tell you yet
So far strategi Mobile di Detik sudah sejauh apa? Dan nantinya akan dibawa sejauh apa?
So far Detik’s mobile strategy, other than our supporting services for Indosat, is to extend the experience to mobile. We have accomplished this with, which arguably is the number one Indonesian mobile web destination in Indonesia, and we are working with partners to ensure the experience can be accessed through various devices and methods – for instance, Detik is working with a partner to provide news feeds for On-Device Portals (ODPs) bundled with phones. Detik is already arguably the number one news source for online and mobile users, so we’d want to take advantage of this to create more services that have mutual long-term benefits for the user and for Detik also. Mobile Web is not the future any more, it is present day, so we are making sure we have the right strategy for Indonesia.
Any short-term plan for Detik mobile you can reveal?
I’m not going to spill any beans yet, but hopefully our upcoming service will have significant implications to Indonesians, especially the rural areas, to extend the knowledge base of the internet to those who don’t even have an internet connection. How? through mobile phones – which are already at more than 50% penetration.
Any punchline for DailySocial’s readers?
Sometimes there’s only one way to find out, so you might as well jump in.
Bagaimana menurut anda? Apakah optimis strategi mobile Detik bisa take off dengan baik? Melihat latar belakang Ario apakah bisnis Detik Mobile hanya berkisar di transaksi RBT atau bisa menemukan model bisnis yang baru? Kami tunggu komentar anda.
wawancaranya kok pake english segala?
Iya…gaya amat…Indo dong…kontennya kan buat orang Indo…
iya ngapain coba hehehe
Wogh , ada toh!!
*gaya artikel* good for detik. hopefully it will be coming to live instead on paper *gaya*.
Mas Ario, anda orang indonesia kan? ditanya bahasa indonesia, kok jawab pake bahasa inggris??
emang si Ario Tamat itu bule ya??? koq dia jawabnya pake bahasa inggris.

aq jadi gak paham dia ngejawab apa