
DDB Accelerator Introduces Jakarta Digital Valley to Facilitate Creative Industry in the Capital

1 min read
December 1, 2014

Creative digital ecosystem in Indonesia is growing. New players are coming. Telkom, as an expert in this field, captured this condition as an opportunity to strengthen its position in the industry by launching Jakarta Digital Valley, which will be directly under the Telkom’s Divisi Digital Business.

Indra Utoyo, PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk’s (Telkom) Acting CEO, told us his enthusiasm on the blossoming creative digital industry in Indonesia. Although it needs originality, the industry still needs to model the San Fransisco-Silicon Valley. With appropriate world class mentorship from global players like Silicon Valley, Utoyo expects that world class local content will flood app stores in, hopefully, two years from now.

“Jakarta Digital Valley will give advocacy and mentorship, which will be carried on by Indigo Accelerator and Silicon Valley Mindset, both technically and in business, to develop app and content-based solution,” Utoyo continued.

Jakarta Digital Valley (JakDiva) is maintained by Telkom’s Divisi Digital Business (DDB), a division which works on the market validation and Telkom’s digital business acceleration. The ecosystem built by Telkom is started with the startup idea initiation, HR source, and curriculum development. The mentees will then get incubated at JakDiva, BDV (Bandung Digital Valley), JDV (Jogja Digital Valley), and other future valleys. Using 150 million Telkom’s customers who are spread in 10 Telkom countries, this DDB Accelerator will then facilitate the creative camp graduates and guide them into their exit, whether via investment or IPO.

Ministry of Tourism Arief Yahya, who was previously Telkom’s CEO, was there in the JakDiva launching and featured as one of speakers. He emphasized that the government fully supports the establishment of digital valleys in Indonesia since it is actually in line with the government’s vision to turn the creative industry into one of national treasures.

Yahya does expect that the increase of players in this industry is not only in regard to the quantity, but quality as well. He really concerned about the fact that from 1500 startups that register to be the mentees at Bandung Digital Valley, only 20 of them are qualified enough. This is worsened by the fact that only less than 10 of them are worthy enough to get commercial coverage.

“The government wishes that more and more national creative products go international and strengthen the position of Indonesia internationally really soon,” Yahya ended.

[Photo: DailySocial]

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