
Coming Soon: Multiply 5.0

1 min read
March 15, 2011

More news from Multiply, after various news related to their expansion in Indonesian market, starting from marketplace for Indonesian sellers, Multiply seminar, Jakarta office opening to announcing Daniel Tumiwa as Country Manager of Multiply Indonesia.

Multiply Indonesia users who’ve been using Multiply as their business platform now can optimize their business by using Multiply 5.0.

As Daniel Tumiwa announced through Multiply’s Indonesian Seller forum, this week Multiply will start to introduce their latest market platform, Multiply 5.0. This new version will specifically aim at Multiply users who’ve been using Shop feature in Multiply. Below is what Daniel Tumiwa said of what Multiply 5.0 has to offer, posted on Multiply’s Indonesian Sellers’ page. (translated by DS).

There will be a lot of interesting features and use you can use starting from payment method choices, items delivery and what I find the most interesting is the choice to manage goods inventory and provide details for each item with feature to upload high-res picture. For members who are not using Market, they will have more experience in using other features.

It looks like facilities available in Multiply 5.0 are facilities they’ve introduced in Multiply seminar last year (you can find the article here – in Indonesian Language). Perhaps there will be several improvements because Multiply often has surveys regarding facility Indonesian sellers’ use in buy-sell process, like payment system and items delivery.

To introduce its latest version, starting March 14, 2011 Multiply will introduce Multiply 5.0 to limited members, as a means to conducting test, survey, and polling, and also introducing their new platform before releasing it to public.

After changing its strategy into a marketplace with ‘shopping made social’ campaign, Multiply has stolen my attention. Not only is their significant change from their previous service, but their focus on Indonesia market what makes it even more interesting. Especially in the middle of online shopping mall competition, marketing through Facebook, and expanding forum buy-sell process.  It will be interesting to see how Multiply movement will affect e-commerce development in Indonesia.

Their job openings to manage their office in Indonesia is one of the proofs of their serious business in Indonesia, Daniel explained that everyday more people will come and join Multiply Indonesia’s management, which means they will continue developing more strategies, not only to get new members for their service but also to optimize buy-sell transaction in Multiply.

Let us wait for their release of Multiply 5.0 and how Multiply users will react on it. I hope DailySocial can get one of the initial invitations so that we can share it with you.

If you are user or seller in Multiply and is lucky to get their Multiply 5.0 invitation, don’t forget to tell us what you think of it in comment box below.

Translated by Nita Sellya

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