
Bancakan 2.0 Will Celebrate Their Second Anniversary

1 min read
February 22, 2012

Startup community from Yogyakarta, Bancakan 2.0, will be having its second anniversary. And as they celebrate their second birthday, the community which was established on February 24, 2010 will again hold a gathering on Friday, February 24th 2012, from 18:30 – finish. The meet up will be held at Plaza Telkom – Jl Yos Sudarso No.9, Yogyakarta (Kota Baru area).

In previous meet ups, speakers brought on by Bancakan 2.0 were made up mainly of startup owners and developers. This time, on the tenth meet up, the speakers will come from a different background as the theme for this meet up will be “Startups From Investors’ Perspective”. As per the theme, the speakers will be investors who have funded a number of Indonesian startups such as Antonny Liem (Merah Putih Inc), Andrias Ekoyuono (Ideosource), and from Telkomsel, Rizky Muhammad.

Later on, there would be a pitching session. This one should be a very interesting session in which a number of startups from Yogyakarta will pitch in front of the speakers.

This 10th meet up is sponsored by Vodacom, Telkom Indonesia, and Biznet. For DailySocial readers who live in or around Yogyakarta and are missing Bancakan 2.0 meetup, you may follow the meet up this time by registering in bit.ly/bancakan10, and for more information you can go to bancakan.org, FB Page Bancakan 2.0, and the Twitter account @Bancakan.

This meetup will certainly be an exciting and interesting time because it coincides with the second anniversary of Bancakan 2.0.

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