
Yahoo! TNS Net Index: Advertiser Needs to Strengthen Their Mobile Strategy

1 min read
June 28, 2012

Mobile phone becomes a common tool for accessing internet for Indonesian people. Today, 62% of internet user in Indonesia, access the internet though a mobile phone. This number is a 40% increase of the number in 2009. In the same period of time, internet café becomes less popular due to 34% customer loss.

Other than increasing, mobile phone internet user also spends more time on their mobile phone accessing the internet. When last year the average of time spent is 8 hours per week, this year the number increases to 10 hours per week.

Those facts are revealed in the research by Yahoo! TNS Net Index. The research by Yahoo! in cooperation with TNS is aiming to learn the behavior of internet user in Indonesia as well giving a big strategic image about internet user in Indonesia. The result of this fourth research is announced on Monday.

20% of respondents are accessing internet with smartphone. Although still dominated by featured phone user, the number of its user is 10% less than the year 2011.

Based on that research, Davif Jeffs – Head of Insights for India and Southeast Asia – as reported in the press release, suggests the advertisers to integrate mobile phone as a part of their campaign. Internet users in Indonesia is now not only doing social networking and exchanging messages through mobile phone but also looking for news information and downloading app for their mobile phone.

42 % of mobile phone internet users now search for information on news page, goes 11% more than in the year 2011. Meanwhile, app download activity increases 5% to the number of 29% this year. The activity of accessing the internet via mobile phone is still dominated by social network (76%) and messaging (45%).

The Yahoo! TNS Net Index survey involved 3.365 respondents from non-internet media and 1.762 respondents from internet media. These respondents are chosen using multi-stage probability sampling technique. Those respondents come from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang, Palembang, Makassar, Yogyakarta, and Denpasar.

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