
TokoBagus hits 1 million ads, enters Indonesia’s top 30 visited sites

1 min read
November 16, 2010

Seems like the guys at TokoBagus also missed the note about their first million ads put up on their e-commerce site, that makes it two in one day. Apparently Koprol’s one mil milestone remind Remco Lupker (CEO) to check his website’s stats only to find a similar achievement with the location based social networking site.

TokoBagus was one of the early player who survived the heartless jungle of the Indonesian internet ecosystem, founded in 2005 and currently one of the biggest e-commerce company in Indonesia. Based in Denpasar-Bali, Remco and their investors spend tons of money for TokoBagus’ marketing and promotion effort, they even have a booth opened at Jakarta’s biggest IT exhibition.

But i guess the effort works well, TokoBagus is now in the top 30 sites in Indonesia according to Alexa. It’s not like i trust Alexa’s ranking system, but it’s definitely an achievement. At least they have 1 million ads put up onto their website to justify the traffic 😉

This month the 1.000.000th ad was posted on Tokobagus since we’ve started in 2005. However, since seller deactivate their ads once sold and we automatically deactivate all ads after 3 months we don’t have 1mln active ads but somewhere around 200.000 active ads at the moment. What’s striking is that the number of daily new ads really exploded in 2010, very promising for 2011.

Promising indeed, 2011 is going to be a good year for Indonesia’s e-commerce industry.

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]


  1. I am just glad we could be of assistance to mr toko there – memos are such a pain!

  2. Thanks Rama! I surely hope my future looks better then in the cartoon, will make sure to not miss any “memo’s” anymore 🙂

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