
The Geospatial Information Agency Provides Indonesian Geospatial Data Online

1 min read
July 31, 2012

Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) – The Geospatial Information Agency (once known as Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (Bakorsurtanal) – The National Surveys and Mapping Coordinating Agency) presents Indonesian map service through TanahAir.net. Not only map, this website contains many Indonesian geospatial data which can be used by everyone.

Just like Google Maps or Bing Maps, BIG’s Ina-Geoportal website is an online site which provides the basic map for public and covers road, mountain, height of land, border, coastline, etc.. Although it won’t be officially released until 2013, the service is already available to use.

BIG’s Head of Metadata, Antonius Bambang Wijanarko, as reported by AntaraNews, allows app developers to use this map. The accuracy of the geospatial data inside this website is guaranteed by BIG. The data will be continuously updated to match the actual condition.

There are 12 basemaps that can be used when browsing on the Ina-Geoportal map, namely Administrative Limit, Image, Image of Label and Name of Place, Main Street, Topography, OpenStreet Map, RBI Slope, RBI Slope and Label, RBI Relief, including 3 basemaps that come from the Bing map, namely Bing Maps Aerial, Bing Maps Hybrid and Bing Maps Road.

User can draw a map based on the geospatial data provided by Ina-Geoportal and keep it in the website. Maps made by user can be accessed by other user through Map gallery. There is also web apps and mobile apps gallery but still very few.

To view the national map data and potential apps to be developped, you can visit Ina-Geoportal on this page.

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