
Tasterous for BlackBerry Launched

1 min read
April 28, 2011

Tasterous, one of the most awaited Indonesian startups launches its BlackBerry app today. Those interested may head up to this link from their BlackBerry Browser. This app will be able to run on OS 5 version or above.

Worry not, Ronald Ishak as CEO of Tasterous has assured that within this year, Tasterous will be available for BlackBerry, BlackBerry PlayBook, Android, Android Tablet, iOS (iPhone and iPad) also Windows Mobile (or Windows Phone 7). Tasterous itself uses Foursquare API as check-in service basis and adding food-hunting game and point element, as depicted at site’s frontpage.

Tasterous is founded by Ronald Ishak and Deche Pangestu by the end of October 2010, as CEO and CTO respectively, where recently announced the addition of two startup rockstars into Board of Directors, Ken Dean Lawadinata (CEO of Kaskus) and Selina Limman (CEO of Urbanesia). Tasterous is a new player that will enhance the competition of mobile check-in application market, after Yotomo rocked the ecosystem with the quite similar concept but grows their focus more into deals and events. Ronald himself, according on  his tweet told us that before they came up with Tasterous, they used to call themselves as Cicipi (“taste”, in Indonesian), which was very hard to be pronounced by Westerners.

At Tasterous, other than doing regular check-in, you can also share the photos about foods or beverages available at the venue. Everytime you submit such information, it will be counted as 1 Tasting. Moreover, there’s point element involved into Tasterous gaming system, labelled as Fortune Cookies. I am not really sure about the calculation, clearly everytime you publish a photo (Tasting), you’ll get more Fortune Cookies point. In every Tasting page, your followers may be able to like or give comment. For the login system, if you don’t want to waste the time creating new account, you can take benefit on having single sign-on by connecting it to your Facebook account.

Beside accessed via mobile version, the information gathered about food/beverage photos, commentary, restaurant location and user profile can be fully accessed via web. It uses different approach compared to Foursquare, of which applies strict policy where the profile or venue can only be accessed using either mobile web or apps.

Tasterous is listed into shortlisted startups that will do pitching presentation during Echelon – Indonesia Satellite. The event will be held next Friday. More on this explained at this post. Personally I have high hope apps that fall into extended mobile check-in category will have warm greetings from their users, with condition that it gives “wow” expression. Has Tasterous met the criteria? Anyway, before you download the apps, take an early look for few screenshots we have published.


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