Friendster now officially rebrand the social networking site as an online gaming platform, walking away from the stiff competition of social networking
Beberapa hari ini Twitter diramaikan dengan sebuah website baru bernama mindtalk yang sudah live dari beberapa hari lalu. Pada prinsipnya, mindtalk ini
Artikel berikut ini ditulis oleh Josep William Widjaja, salah satu dosen di Bina Nusantara International University. Selain memiliki hobi membaca majalah atau
The following article was written by Josep William Widjaja, he is one of lecturers at Bina Nusantara International University. Beside his hobby reading
Hari ini akan menandai suatu milestone bagi perusahaan online di Amerika Serikat. LinkedIn, situs jejaring sosial untuk kaum profesional, akan mencatatkan dirinya
The service for books lover, BukuQ, changed their appearance and logo. DailySocial wrote about this service last December, with the appearance that also have
DailySocial wrote of desaVirtual or Desavirtual once, is a social network combining friendship element with e-commerce in one place and integrated. After
Networking in virtual world becomes an ordinary activity nowadays. People are infatuated with social networking sites, local and international. Sharing photos, text,