
DesaVirtual Changed Layout (again) and Turned Into Dvers.com

2 mins read
March 25, 2011

DailySocial wrote of desaVirtual or Desavirtual once, is a social network combining friendship element with e-commerce in one place and integrated. After awhile, Virtual village or Desavirtual change their appearance for the third time, this time with quite a significant change because they also change their logo and name into Dvers.com.

Changing facility in a service can be one of strategies to develop website, although I can’t say exactly when one product should change and when to stay developed as is, because it depends on many factors, including the service itself and of course competition level.

As for Dvers or Desavirtual, competition comes from two sides, social networks and e-commerce service that provide facility for users to open free online store. Not to mention social networks that change their strategy like Multiply, which now providing marketplace facility.

Dvers.com, provides almost every facility provided by other social networks like photo upload, status update, add friends, blog/notes facility, including events, groups, chat and even check-in facility (although I still can’t find this feature there).

Other than the above-mentioned, other aspects that become plus points are Marketplace and Job Board facility. Marketplace is the place where users can open their own online shop and offer their products in Dvers.com, while Job Board is facility given to those looking for job and conduct direct contact with employers. Two more facilities offered by DVErs other social network is Business (looks exactly like Job Board) and one more is Game facility consist of casual games list when played will open new tab and take you out of Dvers.

Like Daily Social once wrote, the connection between these services are social network and ecommerce, if in previous two articles these two facilities were still unclear, now they’ve shown their true forms and Dvers becomes clearer, although I still see that icon design in Dvers still look like Facebook’s. Name changing from DesaVirtual to Dvers seemed as means to try village paradigm or certain groups that became parts of Dvers into networks built by each person.

I do think that social networks should take niche market because there are too many of them and it’s almost impossible to catch up with Facebook. So what they need to do is to own a niche market, like for example what Sixreps.com does, even though it is open for everyone, but specifically Sixreps aims only the fitness mania.

Talking about e-commerce in social network is indeed interesting, but the question is, why Facebook don’t immediately launch marketplace service widely and completely. Some of my answers are infrastructure, users’ readiness to widely change their behavior and putting together life aspect completely (shopping) in one service.

At the moment Dvers has shopping cart facility and integrated check out feature, and that is good. Payment system will be developed not only by bank transfer. I can see Doku’s logo, even though when we want to conduct payment the choices are cash on delivery, using DV token or other payment method (not mentioned what kind of), but maybe a more complete payment system will be developed in stages.

One of the facilities that can be developed further I think is Job Board. I tried sending my CV and it was an easy process. I just clicked the vacancy ad, and then I got notification as to where to send the CV, to a more complete address. It just needs more development and maximizing, and looks like the idea of social network that has vacancy information is quite interesting. Although it would compete with LinkedIn.

Like I mentioned above, changing facility on certain service might be one of the strategy to develop product both web or mobile based. These changes on DesaVirtual are much better, at least compared to previous two changes, and hopefully Dvers will focus on recent changes so that they can develop existing facilities into better ones.

Translated by Nita Sellya.


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