
SuBali’s Meet Up V.4 on Mobile Development

1 min read
July 8, 2011

SuBali (Startup Bali) will hold their 4th routine meetup, and this time the theme will be on Mobile Development, one of the hottest theme considering the popularity of mobile device, application growth and interesting business opportunity.

As said on their eEvent page, they will talk about mobile opportunity and discuss topic related to the quick growth of mobile device’s application development but not followed with a number of mobile developers. Their amount is too little, both in quality or quantity.

Meetup is sponsored by N.Ice will also have short 1 hour workshop on mobile development. Workshop will discuss mobile application development using OVI App Wizard.

The event will be held at Amsterdam Cafe & Bakery Jl. Diponegoro Denpasar on Thursday, July 23, 2011, 14.00 – 19.00 WITA. They will present two speakers: Narenda Wicaksono – Developer Marketing Manager Nokia Indonesia, who will talk about mobile web application, and Dhi Aurrahman – Dycode Cominfotech Development, who will talk about Build Apps with QML. Workshop session will be guided by M Reza Faisal – Founder of N.Ice.

Registration fee is Rp 20.000/person. There will be coffee break, fullset dinner and doorprize. Further information can be found here. Subali Meetup V.4 will be held at the same time with Regional Entrepreneurship Summit GEPI which will be held on July 22-24, 2011 at Grand Hyatt Bali. So, there are plenty of reason to go on holiday and attend the events. 😉

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