
Solo will have the Longest Internet Hotspot Line in Indonesia

1 min read
October 13, 2011

We do not even able to stop being amazed by Solo and the innovation of its mayor, Joko Widodo – who is famous as Jokowi. After reformation and development on some sectors, internet sectors also get attention. As we noted from Solo Pos, Solo will have internet access line – which is claimed to be the longest in Indonesia.

The Internet access line is spread out from Kleco to Panggung, Jebres which reaches about 10 km. There will be 40 hotzone point (not only hotspot) installed in the route through Slamet Riyadi street, Mayor Sunarno street, Jend. Sudirman street to Urip Sumoharjo street.

This facility is from a grant that received by the government of Kota Solo from some investors and internet service provider for about IDR 1.2 billion. By this massive internet service in this area will help the citizen and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to utilize the internet as optimal productive tools. According to the Head of Diskominfo Kota Solo, Eni Tyasni, the improvement of hotzone will be continued until 2015. By now, there are 5 point has been installed from Sriwedari to Pasar Pon.

Jokowi hopes that the availability of the infrastructure will make SMEs know how to do marketing strategies on internet. Therefore, the government supports this facility. Previously, Jokowi stated that last 2 – 3 years, there were 11 hotspots point has been installed but now the devices have gone away.

The reliable internet connectivity is still being the scourge for many cities and regions outside of Jakarta to improve the internet literacy and IT devices. Let’s hope that this facility run well and be the model for other cities in Indonesia.

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