
Singapore-Based Price Comparison for Financial Product GoBear Plans to Make an Entrance in Indonesia

1 min read
July 18, 2018
GoBear plans for expansion in Indonesia / Pixabay
GoBear plans for expansion in Indonesia / Pixabay

Indonesia is still a promising market for many startups in Southeast Asia. GoBear, a Singapore-based startup providing a platform for financial product comparison is an example. After the announcement of the new CEO, GoBear is soon to enter the Indonesian market.

GoBear announces Adrian Chng as the new CEO. He takes over the position from Andre Hesselink who is to move to the Netherlands. Hesselink will still be involved with GoBear as a Special Advisor.

“There’s no doubt, with faster, low-cost, and easier access to the basic financial will improve public welfare. It’s the reason I’m very enthusiastic to join GoBear right now. We are launching a new product and expanding market, including Indonesia. We’ll reach more people every day,” Chng added.

His statement regarding the entrance to the Indonesian market is supported by the activation of GoBear website in Bahasa Indonesia. They will officially run the business in no time.

GoBear has been available in several SEA countries, such as Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, also Hong Kong. Some financial products being compared in the platform are car insurance, travel insurance, private loan, and credit card service.

Up to this point, GoBear claims to have served 29 million customers with more than 2,000 registered financial products. In Indonesia, GoBear will compete with the similar service such as Cermati and CekAja.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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