
Shinri Endo: Indonesian GameDevelopers Have Qualified Human Resources

1 min read
May 18, 2012

Nikkei Business Publication, Inc. (NBP) will hold Game Networking Jakarta at the end of this month. TheTokyo Game Show organizer is inviting some of the famous Japanese game publishers like Sega and Konami to attend this event. Why was Jakarta selected as the venue for this event?

DailySocial asked about it to Aspiluki (Asosiasi Piranti Lunak Telematika Indonesia – Indonesian Association of Telematic Software), NBP’s partner in organizing this event in Indonesia. Shinri Endo, Strategic Business Development of NBP, responded via email.

According to Endo, game developers and startup companies engaged in mobile in Indonesia enjoy triumph because they have plenty and qualified human resources. Currently, when the global market is focusing on mobile gaming and social gaming, major Japanese game developers are seeking to cooperate with Indonesian companies. Cooperation that will be built is expected to be the right choice to accelerate growth for both in the global market.

When asked whether such event will be held in other countries, Endo replied that this event will be held in the countries/regions with a high growth of potential game developers, and since Jakarta is seen as the city with the most rapid growth in Southeast Asia they have chosen to hold it here. NBP itself is still considering to hold similar events in other countries such as Vietnam and Malaysia.

Endo Shinri seems to be the representative of the NBP to communicate with Indonesia in the implementation of Game Networking Jakarta. Endo also has created a discussion group on LinkedIn as inquiring media about the event. You can visit the discussion group on this page and ask questions to Endo as he is quite active in answering questions in the discussion group.

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