
Opera and Evercoss Collaborate in Presenting Free Internet Access

1 min read
May 22, 2015

Evercoss partners with Opera initiate to offer free internet access to Indonesian population to support the shift of feature phone to smartphone. In Opera Web Pass, users are given free internet access for three hours or around 15 MB of data. This program is dedicated for feature phone users of any brand, as long as they’re Telkomsel’s customers.

Opera Web Pass is an alternative to data plan service, providing affordable phone internet services through easy-to-understand data package which are based on the duration or the content, not megabytes.

Ricky Tanudibrata, Evercoss’ Chief Marketing Officer, admitted a couple of days ago (20/5) that in the midst of technology era as today, there are still many people using feature phone. Based on that simple fact, Opera eventually shares a vision Tanudibrata and Evercoss possess which is to provide the opportunity to the people to have a taste of internet and learn on how it can help their daily performance.

“Both Evercoss and Opera share the same vision: to help users in Indonesia by providing internet access. Evercoss feels honoured to be in the mission  and we hope that the contribution may spread goodness to Indonesia’s development as a whole,” Tanudibrata said.

As of yesterday, for two weeks, users may activate Opera Web Pass to access social media, news, e-commerce, and other services for free. Unfortunately, the program doesn’t support download and streaming.

Usre only have to click the Sponsored Web Pass icon on Speed Dial Opera Mini page to enter the Web Pass page. Afterward, th eusers are obliged to choose Web Pass Evercoss, and fill out a survey in order to activate it. Once the quota or three hours of free access is up, Opera Web Pass also offers other various packages.

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