
Nokia HERE Challenges Local Developers through HERE Map Creator API Challenge

1 min read
March 9, 2015

This is the very first time for Nokia HERE to hold an API challenge through the HERE Map Creator API Challenge. This time, the challenge will be exclusively dedicated to local developers, as the API can only be accessed by Indonesians and is based on the HERE Map Creator’s community map platform. The HERE Map Creator API-based App Challenge Mobile Program is included into Nokia HERE’s agenda in 2015.

Each and every Indonesian may develop a brand new and original mobile app using the HERE Map Creator API (Community Vector Tiles API) and register their app to join the challenge. TH emain criteria that the challenge set is that the created app must be able to add new information such as new roads and the routes of hiking, biking, pedestrian, natural disaster evacuation, and transportation (by recording the GPS tracks), important locations or Point of Interest (POI), and house numbers in a separated layer put above the API basic map. As for the apps’ availability, the apps will only be able to be applied in Indonesia.

Those who look to involve themselves in, especially local developers, must be registered at the Dicoding showcase platform. The created apps must be applicable on one of these platforms: Android, Windows Phone, and iOS. For the beta testing, the apps must have been uploaded at one of those popular app stores.

The judges will then pick six best mobile apps as the winner in which each of them is rightful for 5.000 points at Dicoding, getting endorsed in the “Lost in Heaven Flash Mob Challenge” which is part of Nokia HERE’a agenda in 2015. The judging panel will feature professionals both from Nokia HERE and Dicoding.

The challenge is about to get started on March 15, 2015 at 00.00 WIB and will be ended on May 10, 2015 at 00.00 WIB. Every app must be registered during that period, as there would be no tolerance applied upon late submission.

The apps resulted from the event are expected to bring a lot of benefits to the people, especially those who live in rural areas with limited spacial information. Moreover, the apps are also expected to be a creative media that promotes Indonesian resources potential. For further information, click this link.

Disclosure: DailySocial invests at Dicoding

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