
Multiply CEO: Blog Export Tool Will Be Available Soon

1 min read
August 24, 2012

Once a popular online blogging service for years, a few months ago Multiply decided to take drastic measures in order to keep the company alive. Their first extreme action was to move their HQ from Florida to Jakarta, Indonesia. After that, they decided to switch from a blogging service into a full-fledge e-commerce company.

Their CEO Stefan Magdalinski, wrote a blog post explaining the strategic pivot and leaving “social” behind, as quoted from his blog post “other Internet sites who are committed to social networking services will do a better job serving you than we can”.  Their last move made users furious demanding Multiply to provide a tool for them to move their blogs elsewhere. They should’ve provided the tool when they decided to announce they’re closing the blog section, but they didn’t and of course users were getting even more furious.

Today, Magdalinski made another announcement regarding the export tools, but a rather unpleasant announcement. Fully prepared to face angry users, Magdalinski announced that the exporting tool they’re building is on going but will take longer than expected. “This testing process has taken a little longer than anticipated, but we’re nearly there. A few weeks more, maximum”, Magdalinski said on the blog post.

As you can see on the comment section of this blog post, users are getting even more pissed off by the step Multiply take to shutdown the social features, the lack of exporting tool and now the lateness of the exporting tool. Seems like this holiday is not an enjoyable one for Multiply team.

Here’s the complete announcement by Magdalinski we obtain from Multiply’s team blog

Hi all,

It’s been a while since the announcement so I thought I’d post a quick update. We are currently testing the export tools internally, with a view to releasing them as soon as we can; a few weeks more, maximum.

This testing process has taken a little longer than anticipated, but we’re nearly there.

We’re still finalising the exact list of formats and platforms that we’ll export to, but users will be able to download all their original media and data, (in some flexible formats) and also able to migrate directly to alternative blogging platforms.



Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : rama@dailysocial.net

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