
mTransport DIY : An Application for Transportation Info in Yogyakarta

1 min read
August 25, 2011

Few days ago, I got the information that Department of Transportation, Communication, and Information DIY officially released an application dealing with transportation information in Yogyakarta as called mTransport DIY for Android platform. This application developed as collaboration between Department of Transportation, Communication, and Information with Gamatechno.

From the UI, this application reminds us to an application in iOS. There are six quite complete features about transportation in Yogyakarta. The first one is Dishub Update (the news are officially from Department of Tansportation, Communication, and Transportation), city bus lane info, TransJogja lane, train schedule, airplane schedule, and CCTV for monitoring Yogyakarta’s traffic in some spots.

Talk about the technical aspect of this application, on city bus lane info and TransJogja lane, the schedule is made statically. In addition, on train schedule, it scraps from official site of PT KAI, unfortunately the back-end information about detail schedule and ticket price on PT KAI official website is so poor. For airplane schedule information feature, Gamatechno recaps it from all Adi Sucipto airport schedule by making their own back-end. In addition, they only use CCTV service form Department of Transportation, Communication, and Information, which are only on 7 spots in Yogyakarta, to monitor Yogyakarta’s traffic.

mTransport is officially released on August 22nd, 2011. When I tried this application, I found many annoying bugs. First of all, the UI seems like on iOS, but the UX is confusing the users. The number of users downloading this application is hardly known, because Gamatechno as the mTransport developer does not put download counter.

Some information on city bus lane, TransJogja, train schedule, airplane schedule, is a way incomplete. The picture represents some bus stations in Yogyakarta using only a picture from the same station. It makes the usage of the application not maximum. One of the developers in GamanTechno also explain that the obstacle that faced is the lack of resource for application improvement, they have only a few references. It makes them work hard to develop it.

If you are on your yearly plan to go back (mudik) to Yogyakarta and you have handset with Android platform, you can try mTransport ( the application can be downloaded from: Android version 2.1 and Android version 2.2). Although there are still some bugs, i think the developers need you to visit mTransport and give your feedback. 😉

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