
Jakpat Wants Smartphone Users To Fill Surveys In Exchange For Gifts

1 min read
July 11, 2014

There are many possible ways that can be taken by companies to get the insights from consumer. The most common method is by doing surveys to a large amount of respondents. Based on this premis, Jakpat/Jajak Pendapat published a mobile application which can ease the users to participate in the surveys by giving away attractive rewards to them, in order to get more respondents.

According to the app developer, the mobile application platform was adopted after a research found out that the click rate of mobile surveys exceeds the rate of online surveys conducted via browsers. Every time the users complete a survey, they will get collectible points which can be exchanged with attractive rewards, such as Line or KakaoTalk stickers, electricity vouchers, or even cellphone vouchers.

The Jakpat application itself requires us to login to our Facebook account before doing the surveys. By doing so, Jakpat may select the suitable surveys according to our personal profile. After successfully logging in, Jakpat will ask for our permission to post the link of the surveys on our Facebook wall. For those who prefer not to have so many links on their Facebook wall, like me, this process might be a minor drawback. During my time using Jakpat, I did not find any mobile advertisements.

Jakpat looks just like any other Android applications, which have a menu bar at their top of display. There are 4 main menus in Jakpat: Home, My Page, Redeem, and Settings. Unfortunately, when I tried to move from one menu to another, I had to wait for the loading process, which actually makes this application seems slow. Nevertheless, it is very simple to participate in a survey. You only have to select the category that you are into, answer several questions, and you will get points each time you complete a survey. Although it is not that complete yet, but there are already several categories that you may choose, ranging from transportation, health, property, lifestyle, to mobile.

For the time being, Jakpat is only available in the Android platform, with its iOS version is planned to be released soon. From the business model perspective, the technique that Jakpat adopts is quite smart, since Indonesian people would prefer participating in surveys via their smartphones, since it is easier and more convenient. Moreover, this technique is also beneficial for the surveyors as well, since they may collect the data faster.


[Photo Illustration: Shuttershock]

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