
Investidea: Social Commerce Presents Biggest Opportunity in Indonesia

1 min read
May 27, 2011

Following our story on Investidea’s investments in Bistip and Kartumuu, e27 did a little more digging and interviewed Charles Gandha, one of the partners at the company.

According to Gandha, Indonesia’s tech industry is about to explode and social commerce presents investors with the largest, and perhaps best opportunity to embrace the industry. The interview reveals more details about the company as well as highlighting certain aspects of the Indonesian technology industry.

Gandha himself is involved in two companies operating in the telecommunications and information services industries. He is president director at Lasmana Swasti Prashida, an infrastructure provider for telcos, and senior vice president at Scientek Computindo, a data storage solutions company.

Among the highlights:

  • Investidea was formed by Indonesians who studied and worked overseas in high tech sectors.
  • Typical investment is $100,000 per startup that operates in the technology, media, or telecommunications sectors, especially those focusing on mobile business.
  • Gandha identifies social commerce as the biggest trend and opportunity, and if combined with mobile, it’s going to take off

You can read the entire interview at e27.sg

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