IDN Media has officially announced the acquisition of an independent film company or production house, Demi Istri Production on May 12, 2020. Demi Istri Production was founded in 2013 by director Fajar Nugros with producer Susanti Dewi. After the acquisition, the two will join IDN Media to lead IDN Pictures.
IDN Media’s CEO, Winston Utomo revealed to DailySocial that IDN Media is committed to continuing its vision to democratize information and become a one-stop content platform for Millennial and Gen Z in Indonesia.
“We believe that film is not just a piece of art but also a medium that can inspire many of Indonesia’s millennials and Gen Z. Therefore, we are excited to enter the film industry. After meeting Fajar and Santi, we are very confident, then finally launched IDN Pictures together,” Utomo said.
In the middle of 2019, IDN Media has acquired one of the (GGWP) esports media. GGWP will be part of the IDN Media extended family which includes IDN Times, Popbela, Popmama, Yummy, IDN Creative, IDN Event, and IDN Creative Network.
Creating original content

Fajar Nugros and Susanti Dewi have been experienced in the Indonesian film industry. Both of them have also been involved in the production of various films, such as Cinta Brontosaurus (2013), Moammar Emka’s Jakarta Undercover (2017), Yowis Ben (2018 & 2019), and Terbang Menembus Langit (2018).
Through film, IDN intends to freshen the Indonesian film industry while at the same time bringing positive influence to the community. IDN Pictures is currently developing some titles and it is to airing soon. It’s still undisclosed at this moment.
“Just like a production house, we use insights from IDN Media’s audience to make films that can inspire and entertain millennials and Gen Z. Our films will later be screened on several platforms such as cinema, OTT, and other video-on-demand platforms,” Winston said.
As IDN Pictures targeting the film industry, it’ll help to stir up the competition of production houses that specifically creates original films. Previously, local players like Visinema, supported by GDP Venture, wanted to develop a comprehensive studio ecosystem. The aim is to help end-to-end film processes, from concept maturation, talent development, production, distribution to monetization.