
Finally, Facebook App Center Now Accessible for Indonesian Developers

1 min read
August 4, 2012

If you’re complaining about the many app request of Perjuangan Semut or Cityville on your Facebook account, be ready that this condition may get worse in a couple of weeks. Starting yesterday, Facebook App Center can be accessed by every country of Facebook users, including Indonesia.

App Center is an app marketplace just like Google Plus or iTunes. Bit, Facebook App Center is not limited to certain platform. As long as an app uses Facebook feature, the app can appear in the App Center. This App Center will also display apps that run on web and mobile Facebook platforms.

The App Center will make it easier for Facebook user in finding a useful and intertesting Facebook app and app that is popular among the friends. With Facebook main function as a social media, user will be easier to share the app they are using and ask other user to use the app, too.

As for the developer, as Amir has reported about the initial launching of Facebook App Center for United States, the App Center brings progress for Facebook apps especially the mobile apps. This is a chance for developers to develop an app that can run on various platforms by using Facebook platform. Other than getting a benefit by only creating one app that can work on various platform, developing apps for Facebook can also facilitate promotion of directly utilizing network of friends in Facebook app users.

As the fourth largest Facebook user country in the world, certainly the market for Facebook apps in Indonesia is very large. Developers from abroad such as CyberAgent has decided to move to Indonesia because of the large users from Indonesia. Therefore, this potential is unfortunate to be missed by Indonesian developers.

In the next months, your Facebook notification may filled with apps requests. But if those came from beautiful Indonesian apps or games, maybe they won’t be too annoying.

Or, maybe, there is a trending app made by Indonesian developer already and we missed that? Please inform us if you do know about it.

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