
E-Commerce Behemoth TokoBagus Receives Top Brand Award 2012

1 min read
August 4, 2012

TokoBagus receive an award as the Top Brand Award 2012 for e-commerce or online shop category. This award proofs that TokoBagus is the most popular and most seeked-out e-commerce website.

To determine the award winner, the team from Top Brand together with Frontier Consulting Group and Marketing Magazine did a research in 8 big cities in Indonesia, namely Bandung, Jakarta, Makassar, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya, Balikpapan and Pekanbaru.
In that research, the team gave three questions to the corespondent; top of mind awareness, last used and future intention. Top of mind method asks the first brand mentioned by respondent based on product category, last used is based on the last brand used on the category, while future intention asks the brand that the respondent wants to use in the future.

Ichwan Sitorus, PR Manager of Tokobagus.com, as reported by Kabar Bisnis, says that the award that based on qualitative and objective survey proofs that TokoBagus is indeed the most qualified brand for e-commerce category.

According to Ichwan, the award is also cannot be separated by the great performance shown by TokoBagus along 2012. He says, in 2012, the total transaction happened in TokoBagus reaches IDR1,4 trillion to IDR1,5 trillion each month. Every day, around 70 to 100 thousand new ads are uploaded so currently, there are millions of ads in TokoBagus.

This Top Brand award becomes the second award for TokoBagus in 2012. Earlier this year, this e-commerce site established by Remco Lupker and Arnold Sebastian Egg, receives The Most Popular Online Shop Brand award in Indonesia Champion Award 2012 held by MarkPlus Insight and Marketeers Magazine.

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