
Event Report: HackathonBDG #1

1 min read
April 18, 2011

In the middle of heavy rain last Saturday in Bandung, at a café called Potluck Kitchen, HackerspaceBDG held and event called HackathonBDG.

If Yogya has #YKode, although in different format, Bandung now has this event which is planned to be held routinely. HackathonBDG asks anyone to join and work on their developing project or application.

From their official website, they explained that HackathonBDG is one of programs developed by HackerspaceBDG and aimed for whoever want to gather around and work on developing, completing, or creating personal application / project together. Participants of HackhatonBDG are expected to work on personal project / application.

Participants who join the event is expected to set their own personal goal of their today’s target, and end the event with presenting their target achievement to other participants. The goal is to make unattended projects can be finished or at least more developed, and to motivate participants to complete the projects they have beginning to work on or will work on.

The first HackathonBDG was attended by 4 participants, with their own project and target. We had Yohan (HackerspaceBDG – Rserv.me), Diki (rather famous for his chickenstrip), Daus (Pojok Pendidikan or Education Corner) and Asep (Magikube). They each set a target, and at the end of the event present their result, not everyone can finish their target (recorded at Google Docs), and some of them did. Most participants said that they are more motivated to finish their projects.

Each participant was given score based on goal and duration recorded at the beginning of Hackathon, later on this score will be listed based on ranking, and will be announced in Hackerspaceid.org. For the first event, they have announced the ranks here.

The event is planned to be held routinely, free and open for everyone. It will be held at either HackerspaceBDG or one of cafes in Bandung. For further information, you can check out Hackerspaceid.org or follow @hackerspacebdg or contact Yohan directly.

Although there were only 4 participants at this 1st Hackaton, it is expected that on the next event there will be more and more participants. Below is the video of what was happening at the 1st HackathonBDG, including short interviews with participants and a ‘sneak peek’ of applications or project they were working on.

Disclosure: DailySocial’s Bandung office is located at HackerspaceBDG.

Translated by Nita Sellya.

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