
Event: Mozilla Firefox 4 Launch Party – Bandung

2 mins read
May 4, 2011

Launching event of the Firefox 4 browser in Bandung have been accomplished, having previously held in two cities of Jogjakarta and Jakarta, this time the people’s browser party stopped by in Bandung, located at Potluck Kitchen, the event was held on Sunday, May 1, 2011, from 16:00 to 20:00 pm.

For this event in Bandung, besides the welcoming events there were two presentation sessions, the first session was from Gen Kanai – Director of Asian Business Development – Mozilla, Christian Legnitto – Mozilla Firefox Release Manager and Luke Wagner – JaegerMonkey / JS Engine Engineer. While the second session filled by Petshopbox Studio – The Making of Kumi, Faisal Asad – Kumi Papertoy and Yohan – a presentation on the Future of Web App with Firefox and Showcase – Fowab. Before the 3 speakers, Fauzan Alfi also presented and introduced some things, especially about the Mozilla community to the visitors, including about Kumi, Indonesia Firefox mascot created by ‘urang Bandung’ (means ‘Bandung citizen’).

Gen Kanai explained about Firefox user statistics in Indonesia which is the highest market share for Firefox in the world and approximately 75-80% of internet users in Indonesia are using Firefox. Several other speakers from Firefox 4 describes the technology and the release process of the latest version which is now into 4 stages, Nightly, Aurora and Beta Channel, then entered the stage of Final Release.

While the second session featured representatives from Petshopbox Studio who made Kumi (Collection of Mozilla Indonesia) Indonesian Firefox mascot, Sissy and Salazad the Kumi papertoy maker and Yohan from Fowab.

The event attended by approximately 90 people was warming up the atmosphere of Bandung, which was raining. At the beginning of the event, there was a cake-cutting ceremony as a means of symbolic opening ceremony.

Firefox 4 had been launched since March 22 and Firefox itself will be ready to launch a version 5 which is planned to be released in June 2011. Indonesia is a large market for Firefox. Gen also said that they invited the developers or anyone to provide input or join to develop and play an active role in the development of Firefox.

Events with hashtag #fx4partyBDG was held in cooperation with Batagor.net (Bandung City of Blogger), FOWAB (Bandung Web Forum), HackerspaceBDG, MakeMac, Petshopbox Studio and Five Cyber   Community and much more, including Pikiran Rakyat daily and of course DailySocial.

The next #fx4party event is in Makasar (May 6) and the last one will be in Bali (May 7). Other than that there will be school / campus visits, to Ma Chung University in Malang on May 5.

Here is the atmosphere of the # fx4party event in Bandung as well as a brief interview with Gen Kanai, Director of Asia Business Development for Mozilla and Fauzan Alfi from the Mozilla community – Bandung. You also can follow these developments with by following Twitter account @id_mozilla or stop by their site at Mozilla.web.id.

Disclosure: DailySocial is a media partner of this event.

This event report is done together by me and Nita Sellya, our translator at DailySocial.

Musik oleh: Balads of The Cliche – Back In The Old Days

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