
Event: Mobile Game Developer War 3 – Jogja Game Expo 2012

1 min read
April 17, 2012

Since 19 March 2012, Himakom UGM, in cooperation with Nokia Developer, opens registration for Mobile Game War 3 competition intended for local game developers. This event is part of the Jogja Information Technology Session 2012 (JOINTS 2012) which takes the theme “Challenge the Nation” and has several events inside, namely Jogja Game Expo 2012 (JGE 2012) and Mobile Game Developer War 3 which will be held on 20 May 2012 at Malioboro Mall.

Registration for Mobile Game Developer War 3 will close on 5 May. The final round along with the winner announcement will be held on May 20, 2012 at Malioboro Mall. For game developers who are interested in game development and feel challenged to develop games on Nokia S40 platform, make sure you’ve registered for the competition and the procedure of the competition can be found in this link. Registration is free of charge.

Total prize for this competition is Rp 60 million. The winner will get Rp 30 million, runner up will get Rp 20 million and second runner up will get Rp10.000.000. The game with the best local content will win a mobile phone from Nokia. Developers are free to build any kind of game.

Narenda Wicaksono, Developer Experience Lead SEA at Nokia, in an interview with DailySocial, said that this Mobile Game Developer War 3 is not much different from the previous events. It is expected that new game studios will be born from this event, just like Creacle Game Studio that was born out of Mobile Game Developer Wars 1 and 2.

To developers who want to join the competition and want more information, you can access the official site of this event http://jointsugm.com/jge. And below is our interview with Narenda Wicaksono.


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