
EV Growth Officially Merges with East Ventures

1 min read
March 10, 2021
EV Growth team / EV Growth

East Ventures (EV) announced its leadership for EV Growth, a joint venture formed in 2018 with SMDV and ZVC (formerly Yahoo Japan Capital). This restructuring affects the managerial structure in the internal EV and EV Growth and SMDV teams will join the force.

Roderick Purwana will be appointed as Managing Partner of East Ventures. David Tendian will be appointed as Operating Partner at SMDV. Shiniciro Hori will remain on EV Growth’s investment committee.

This merger is said to make EV the largest venture capitalist in Southeast Asia with more than 60 staff members and 8 partners, including Melisa Irene (Seed Partner), David Audy (Operating Partner), Triawan Munaf (Venture Adviser), and Koh Wai Kit (Venture Partner).

Even though EV has controlled all EV Growth funds, the SMDV and ZVC teams will continue to support and work closely with East Ventures and its ecosystem.

East Ventures’ Co-founder & Managing Partner, Willson Cuaca said, his team has a very strong synergy between EV Growth and the East Ventures ecosystem. This new setting will amplify efficiency and allow the EV to run fierce and faster.

“We will be able to help entrepreneurs in a better, smarter, and wiser way – fully focused on unlocking their potential,” he explained in an official statement, Wednesday (10/3).

East Ventures’ Managing Partner, Roderick Purwana added, SMDV has always been a true supporter of East Ventures and has made dozens of joint investments over the years. The two have discussed formalizing their relationship and working closely for more than 5 years.

“In 2018, we took the first big step by launching EV Growth as a joint venture. After that collaboration, we are ready to take it to the next stage. This merger will allow our founders to expand their combined ecosystem, capabilities, and networks,” Purwana said.

ZVC’s Managing Partner, Shiniciro Hori also commented, “We believe that this transformation will further strengthen our presence and accelerate our investment in Southeast Asia. Z Holdings is to commit more to the Southeast Asian market and leverage group assets as part of the SoftBank Group.”

EV Growth was formed in 2018 with EV Growth Fund I raising a total of $250 million, exceeding the initial target of $150 million. The funds have been invested in more than 20 companies in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Some of the portfolios are Ruangguru, Waresix, KoinWorks, Shopback, Stockbit, Fuse, Tokopedia, Traveloka, Grab and Gojek. This fund has generated an IRR (internal rate of return) of 27% as of 31 December 2020 with an early exit of MokaPOS to Gojek.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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