
Day Two Recap of All That Matters Conference 2012

2 mins read
May 24, 2012

Widi Asmoro is the Entertainment Services Manager for Nokia Indonesia who is currently attending All That Matters Conference in Singapore representing Nokia Indonesia as one of the event’s sponsors. This post appeared originally on his personal blog.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012, rain fell in Singapore and pushed back the start of the second day of Digital Matters. The second day focuses on how to monetize content through existing platforms and challenges in which people no longer access contents through just a singe device. The ability to access content on multiple screens became the main topic of discussion among panelists.

The opening keynote speech came from Brian Taptic, VP International Development for Zynga, who underlined his company’s vision of connecting people through social games. Case studies such as the Coca Cola campaign through CityVille is a fascinating study into how a brand can influence its potential customers through a series of stories developed through interaction within the social game. People are no longer forced to see ads and they would even voluntarily participate in promoting the product to others.

At the next panel, there was an interesting message from Adriana Gascoigne, CEO of Girls i Tech who emphasized the importance of placing trust on existing digital communities to deliver the message that products are trying to convey. Moderated by Jay Oatway, writer of “Mastering Story, Community, & Influence”, he concluded that there is a need for brands to be prepared for disasters such as twisted message when campaigning on online media. An example was when McDonald’s asked on Twitter what people think of McDonald’s but what they got was all the bad experience eating McDonald’s food.

So how can digital content generate revenue from social media? The subsequent panel discussions talked a lot about pay TV strategies and how telecommunication operators take advantage of it. The pay TV panel, which was moderated by Nicholas Wodtke (VP Walt Disney Southeast Asia) underscored the importance of consoles (such as XBox) to provide the experience

of accessing content through multiple platforms and screens. This panel also saw that the emergence of smart TV has not been significant enough to help content discovery and consumption. In my opinion, this makes sense because right now people want to consume content whenever and wherever they wish.

From the operator side, PT. Telkom Indonesia presided over a panel titled Operator Matters. Represented by Joddy Hernandy, Executive General Manager, Multimedia Division, Telkom expresses its readiness through its multi-screen strategy. Telkom will capitalize all of its digital content through a platform that they have built, called Smart Digital Platform. Through this platform Telkom will deliver unlimited access to music, radio, television, and even books. The soon t be launched platform will be accessible through mobile phones, personal computers, and televisions. Subscribers will be able to access the content free of charge. It seems obvious that the step to raise Telkom’s average revenue per user will be derived from this platform.

The day ended with the performance of DJ Above & Beyond at Nokia’s Pool Party . As a musician, Above and Beyond has managed to connect with his millions of fans across the world through social media. His songs had been used as soundtracks for short movies to enhance the stories. He will also open Thursday’s Music Matters which will feature Troy Carter who is the manager for Lady Gaga

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