Why compete with Facebook when you can win in a smaller / niche competition? Probably this is why Sanny Gaddafi, a local serial-entrepreneur built this website BundaGaul together with his partner last year. This small but tight community is built on standard social features such as friendships, statuses, comments, etc.
The frontpage firmly communicate that this website is only for moms, maybe dads can go to some automotive site or something. Anyway, this site is currently managed by Nuniek Tirta and the founder Sanny Gaddafi. They’re still trying to monetize the website via sponsorships events, groups etc.
In terms of features BundaGaul is actually pretty standard as a social networking site, but they’re currently undergoing some revamps for the website. Hopefully they can add new innovative features instead of tailing popular social networking sites already exist. It’s actually easier for them to innovate since they’re targeting a very-very niche segment of the market. It’s a small audience, but moms are known to be very loyal to the community and easier to blend in.
Nuniek Tirta also said that they’re still open for any investment opportunity to help them scale up their services throughout the community. They’re also claimed doing some deal with Nexian to distribute their content through Nexian handheld.