
Bistip.com Gets More Positive Response and Keep Improving Its Features

2 mins read
September 22, 2011

Do you still remember BisTip.com? This web-based courier service that provides facilities for those who wish to entrust their items or have items entrusted to them for delivery purposes for a fee, keeps improving and got many positive response.

Based on my simple observation, at least from my Twitter account timeline, several friends who didn’t know or were not interested in using this service start to use or introduce this service on their timeline. Some of my friends are quite active on Twitter, they might be influencers for other users.

It seems that now BisTip starts to be broadly recognized and keep getting positive response. One of their “product” is the Bistipes which is the figure of the BisTip brand to whom you can entrust your item for free, is an interesting facility for the new users.

Usually users can get money from the boarding out service (based on the deal), with Bistipes, people can get free of charge service. But Bistipes will go only to some route that announced before and can be varied. Bistipes has done the route to Singapore and now is on the route from Sydney to Jakarta.

Beside gets more positive response, they also keep improving some features and services. Panggi Libersa Jasri Akadol from BisTip explained that the positive responses make them to do improvement on some features for example they will add some details for users profile such as gender, age, profession, response rate and network. It is needed to see the user preference to make the boarding out process smoother, of course by the willingness of the users.

The response rate can be the measurement whether the user is active or not. This shows the response of the user for the message he/she received. Network is used to see the network of the users and it is also used to see the credibility of the users. This feature can be run by clicking “kenal” (now each other) but if someone gives reputation between the users, these users regarded as “kenal”.

The development of another feature is “multiple trips” which helps users or Bistipers if they want to go travelling and want to visit some places or having separated route which can be collaborated. The way is after login you can go to ‘post rute jalan’ (to post a route) then choose ‘add more’ and you can see the next or the previous route.

BisTip also added information on some routes to the destination of different users, so when you login, on our Dashboard we can see the list of the route to our location (you have to choose the location on the profile detail). Besides that, its mobile web application has been renovated as the web’s appearance.

BisTip has more than 2.000 users with total route more than 1.000 for local and international, with more than 2.000 conversations between users (data due September 2011).

BisTip also actively do campaign on social media. Last Ramadhan month, BisTip collaborated with Pulkam to participate on mudik (back to home town) activities.

There is one question I asked to BisTip is about dealing with users’ complaint, for example about the failure of the estrusting items or other conditions. Panggi explained that BisTip hasn’t received that kind of complain yet. The suggestions from the users are more about to add the destination cities or features. BisTip has considered both suggestions. Even some of the features they have are based on users suggestion and their team ideas. BisTip also has forum which can give information about users experience. Panggi also stated that “there is no complain yet about the missing items or the other unfortunate incidents.”

BisTip has prepared some features to deal with users complaints such as the improvement on payment and ‘trust and safety’ facility. This is an important thing should be BisTip’s attention because their services are connected to customers’ experience which one fallacy can be a problem.

It is interesting to see what BisTip will do to get users growth. There is also information about Willy Ekasalim, founder of BisTip who is now on Australia to attend Sydstart and doing pitching there.

Let’s see what will be the next improvement of BisTip, including the result of the Sydstart. We just need to wait for what kind of improvement will come from this startup which has just got investment from InvestIdea.

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