Salah satu layanan mobile community pertama dan terbesar, Mig33, beberapa hari yang lalu mengumumkan bahwa mereka bermitra dengan platform jejaring sosial asal
Hari Rabu kemarin, bertempat di Gedung Kompas Gramedia, Jl. Palmerah Barat No.29, Jakarta, diadakan acara yang bertajuk Workshop Coding for Mobile Game
PriceArea, mesin pencarian harga barang dan spesifikasinya, menambah fitur baru. Sesuai dengan edaran email dan yang tertulis di informasi akun Twitternya, PriceArea
An interesting discussion is summarized in Twitter yesterday between me, Abangkis Pribadi (MReunion Labs, developers of Android applications), Titi Rusdi (7Langit) and
The service for books lover, BukuQ, changed their appearance and logo. DailySocial wrote about this service last December, with the appearance that also have
Foursquare, Gowalla, Google Latitude with Mobile Check-in, Facebook Places, Yahoo! Koprol; There are lots of location based check in service available. When