
Siji Creates Digital Museum with Augmented Reality

1 min read
November 16, 2018
Siji develops visual content based on augmented reality to digitize museum content in Indonesia
The front look of Museum Kebangkitan Nasional / MuseumJakarta

Augmented Reality (AR) technology can be a medium to represent various objects visually. In Siji Studio, AR is used to digitize museum in making the content of history class more interesting.

Dimas Fuady, Siji Digital Solution’s Co-Founder & CEO, said that the development of digital museum using AR should be effective. In fact, nowadays, the museum’s artifacts are considered not “out of the box”, some even have inadequate guides.

“It’s a different situation when we visit museum abroad, in Singapore for instance. The display is quite mesmerizing, combining a good storytelling with technology and art installation,” he added.

However, this initiative is going independently by Siji team. We haven’t involved in any special partnership with the government. Siji has a direct partnership with museum’s proprietor which also get the annual subscription of Siji AR service.

“Museum Kebangkitan Nasional, Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklaasi, Museum Sumpah Pemuda, Museum Nasional have implemented Siji AR product. It’s also worked as a virtual guide for visitors,” he explained.

Siji AR has been established since 2014. It’s when they’re under Telkom incubation program. Siji Studio is now Telkom’s strategic partner for digital product development, where Telkom also involved as Siji Studio’s shareholder.

It’s not only AR product development

Siji Studio also produces some IoT-based supporting technology solution, such as artificial intelligence platform, automation tools, and robotics. One of Siji portfolios is the first Toko Tanpa Awak (Shop without keepers) in Indonesia, has been operating since March 2018 on the 11th floor of Telkomsel Smart Office.

Siji also designed the Bank Tanpa Awak (Bank without clerk) in one of the red-plate institutions. The developing digital branch was designed for banking (create an account, card renewal, and customer service) will be fully assisted by a machine.

“Siji AR was dedicated as an alternative media for advertising. It was implemented in one of the auto magazines, but due to the lack of users, it was stopped. Lesson’s learned, we thought to penetrate further into the market, along with technical and business evaluation,” he concluded.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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