
Lippo Group and ObEN Setup Pacific Blockchain Research Institute

1 min read
October 8, 2018
Pacific Blockchain Research Institute focused on blockchain technology research. It involves the government, related industries, and universities
Lippo Group and ObEN Establish a Pacific Blockchain Research Institute (PBRI) / Pixabay

Aiming to support the research activities, development, and proliferation of blockchain technology in Southeast Asia, Lippo Group and ObEN Inc. announced a partnership by introducing Pacific Blockchain Research Institute (PBRI).

As a technology company focused on artificial intelligence (AI), ObEN has developed a platform called Personal AI (PAI), in the form of 3D Avatar intelligent, which capable to imitate customer’s voice, activity, and habit. ObEN technology allows users to create, use, and control PAI safely with the decentralized platform.

Focus on research and trial

Through this collaboration, PBRI will focus on institutional research involving the government and other players in related industries with the final goal to implement blockchain and accelerate its adoption. The institution will also build its own cryptocurrency exchange to promote PAI Coin usage.

The activity, initiated by Lippo Group and ObEN will later involve the University of Indonesia (UI) and Pelita Harapan University (UPH).

“Lippo Group sees blockchain as a relevant technology to be implemented in many of their business areas and operations, therefore, we support the blockchain technology development,” Mochtar Riady, Lippo Group’s Chairman, added.

Furthermore, Lippo and ObEN will conduct trials for PBRI to present research, technology, and regulation advice in which can influence the other industries. The strategic partnership is also claimed to accelerate ObEN technology development targeting potential users and all regional partners by prioritizing the report of Personal AI’s trial in blockchain technology.

“Currently, Southeast Asia has become the center of blockchain technology development, and we foresee the blockchain will later be integrated with government, social apps, and commercials. The institutions can be the bridge to the industry players, such as ObEN and Lippo,” Adam Zheng, ObEN’s COO and Co-Founder, said.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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