
Looking for “Healthy” Blog, ICTWatch Organizes ISBA 2012

1 min read
May 10, 2012

ICT Watch holds another Internet Sehat Blog & Content Award (ISBA) blog competition. The competition, that has been ongoing since 2009 is giving reward to managers of different types of content service (blogs, wikis, forums, portals, etc.), either individually or in groups, which managed content considered creative and useful both for itself and for Indonesian society.

In this competition, the team from InternetSehat will find two winners each week (bronze award) until January 2013. Each month, from 8 bronze winners of that month, will be selected 3 monthly winners (silver award). Every 3 months, from the 9 silver winners, will be selected 3 three-monthly winners (gold award) and then from the 12 gold winners selected throughout the year, 3 platinum award winners will be selected. In addition, there is also a youth category award winner that will be selected each month.

ISBA competition is open for public for blog category including personal blog. According to the official page, the purpose of the award is to give positive and rewarding stimulation for the growth of local content so that more young Indonesian people are actively writing.

In the last year implementation, the platinum winner of ISBA 2011 is Indonesia Bercerita and selected as the runner-up is Cerita Anak Islam and Sawali.

Currently, the registration has not opened yet. While waiting for it, you can see the terms and conditions, as well as assessment points on the competition page at the address http://isba.ictwatch.com. Let’s wait which blog is “healthy” this year.

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