
Steve Wozniak To Visit Jakarta

1 min read
May 13, 2012

In July 17, 2012, Jakarta will welcome a special guest, Steve Wozniak. This first Apple employee who is now a technology observer will be one of performers in the Innovation & Creativity seminar. This will be a rare opportunity for Indonesian people to meet directly with one of the world’s most important figures in the world of technology. Wozniak’s creativity and experience will be invaluable to learn from.

Wozniak is known as the co-founder of Apple together with Steve Jobs. Although no longer related to Apple in addition to being one of the shareholders, people will always associate him with Apple. Wozniak himself, aside from being Apple’s products’ fan is also a fan of other gadgets and whole-heartedly pay attention to technological development.

Wozniak is also known as an eccentric. Recently, Wozniak praised Windows Phone by calling it “beautiful”. Wozniak added that, even though his favorite phone is the iPhone, Windows Phone reminded him of several great things done by Apple.

The seminar will be held in Nusa Indah Theater, Balai Kartini and will discuss about innovation in the digital field and monetization of digital business. In addition to Steve Wozniak, Innovation & Creativity seminar will also present some other speakers who are experts in their field. The event will also be enlivened with exhibitions and business networking.

Tickets for the seminar can also be acquired starting May 7, 2012 through @plasatiket or plasatiket.com. For information and inquires, you may contact nadia.yustina@gmail.com or call +62-811-132-135. Also follow the Twitter account @3Ocean_act. Poster of the event can be seen at Dailylicious.

Disclosure: DailySocial is a media partner of this event.

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