XL Axiata’s Agung Wijanarko leaves to join Qualcomm Agung Wijanarko, head of mobile devices at XL Axiata, is leaving the company after just nine months on the job. The former June 27, 2011 Hybrid
The Problem With Indonesia’s E-Commerce Scene Apparently, Indonesia is famous not only for the huge portion of mobile market, but also for anything social, e-commerce and games. Lots June 23, 2011 Hybrid
Indonesian Developers Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Develop Paid Apps for iPhone Us, Indonesian, by nature are freebies lovers – and pirated goods lovers too. Of course that applies only to some of us, June 23, 2011 Hybrid
What’s in Investors’ Mind: Data and Research On Echelon 2011, one of panel discussions talked about investors. The theme is always interesting or at least can bring a good June 23, 2011 Hybrid
Focus. Opening an event with wide scope of participants can be tricky. Perhaps it’s similar with creating curatorial text for art exhibition, the June 22, 2011 Hybrid
Get Your Startup’s Marketing Plan Ready and Register to Bubu Awards v07 Bubu Awards, prestigious competition, is back this year. And this time it will be bigger, just like digital industry development in Indonesia. June 21, 2011 Hybrid
Interview: MbakDiskon’s Strategy for The Future On Wednesday I had the opportunity to meet the founder of one local daily deals services in Yogyakarta, MbakDiskon.com. Her name is June 20, 2011 Hybrid
Will Air BnB Fever Hits Indonesia? AirBnB is a new US’ phenomenal startup. Already it has interests many people in internet industry including investors. AirBnB was founded by June 17, 2011 Hybrid
Getting to Know Nusantara Incubation Fund On Monday we saw the launch of Nusantara Incubation Fund, a private investment firm set up by media magnate and technologist Anindya June 16, 2011 Hybrid
US Program GEPI Tries To Leverage Indonesian Entrepreneurs GEPI (Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia) is a part of GEP worldwide which is a new U.S. Government program focused on supporting and June 16, 2011 Hybrid