Almost all vertical market is disrupted by technology, including property. The business is mainly controlled by the veteran, resulting in traditional methods
Mungkin sedikit telat, tapi akhirnya Samsung merombak seri Galaxy A agar lebih mampu bersaing secara head-to-head dengan para kompetitornya. Utamanya smartphone besutan
Complexity Gaming semakin aktif saja mengembangkan organisasi esports mereka di tahun 2019 ini. Setelah melakukan rebranding besar-besaran—termasuk mengubah ejaan resmi nama tim
Starts from the previous collaboration, Alibaba Cloud, WeWork and Softbank Telecom China, form a strategic partnership to help more companies and startups
Bukalapak is finally launch BukaGlobal, a service/feature that allows overseas buyers making transaction or purchasing items from Bukalapak. This is an effort