
Zomato Presents Restaurant-Based Location Recommendation System

1 min read
July 14, 2015

Global restaurant finder Zomato introduced Foodie Index, a location-based system which provides recommendation on food spots within a city based on its restaurant data processing capability, couple of days ago. The index will be available for web developers in general in form of a Application Program Interface (API). The spots can be manually accommodated and combined with certain needs, as Zomato is currently focusing the implementation on travel and hotel portals.

The provided information will cover detailed info and content from Zomato users. Being managed using big data-based processing platform, the displayed spots are the result of real-time score that indicates the quality of the restaurant in certain areas. Foodie Index is developed to add more values into people’s search for special dining location by considering available diners within their reach.

Zomato Indonesia’s Country Manager Djunadi Satrio stated during the launching that this API will be focused on travel and hotel portals, “Users may now find recommended apartment and hotel according to selection of best dining spots in town. With Foodie Index’s API, users’location-based restaurant and dining place search is much easier, thanks to Zomato’s complete list of data. We keep finding a way to enrich the culinary experience, and helping consumers to find location and good dining location is part of it.”

CommonFloor is an India-based property rental and Zomato’s Foodie Index API’s first consumer. Being combined with a local map, users may now determine the ideal sheltering location based on the location of dining places within their location.

This is Zomato’s second innovation this year, being unveiled to optimize the representation of its targets towards recommended restaurants. Previously, the company introduced the availability of facility on its app, that can access Uber’s services and use it as a mean to get to the selected dining place. After adding social element into the app, it seems that Zomato is planning to keep experimenting in using its skills by synchronizing the service with other services. This may be based on the awareness suggesting that a complete restaurant listing alone is not enough to compete in the keep growing market.

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