
XM Gravity Launches App To Maintain Your Team’s Happiness

1 min read
March 8, 2013

If one of your job description is to manage more than 30 people under your command, you’d know exactly how hard it is to maintain your team one-by-one let alone be friends with them. Managing people is probably the single hardest task for a leader, this was exactly what Kevin Mintaraga thought before he come up with the idea for XM Gravity Happiness App.

Indonesian-based digital agency XM Gravity launched a unique, in-house mobile application, the XM Gravity Happiness App, designed to pump up the happiness quotient among its own staff. “As a digital agency, we help our clients leverage technology and social media every day to meet their business goals. This time, we’re leveraging that know-how to help us achieve our own goals. Happy staff who feel connected, and cared for, are committed staff who give their best,” said Mintaraga, XM Gravity’s CEO.

With this app, employees can pick a mood they’re having on the current day, update their status, tasks and also receive company updates and announcements. As the team leader, you can monitor which team members are having a constantly bad mood at work to further take action in order to retain their team.

Mintaraga showed me the app a few weeks ago and I was very impressed with the usefulness of the app. It solves real problems for team leaders to know what’s going on inside the company, but this app only works if the employees are constantly using the app with honesty. Mintaraga said that the every time team member posts status updates and mood, they will get a point and the company will give rewards to them based on the points they’ve collected.

Currently, the app is under beta stage and still tested internally by XM Gravity team and it will be available for BlackBerry, iOS and Android. You can find the app on Google Play, but it’s still password protected. Unfortunately Mintaraga won’t share when will the app be available for public usage.

Read the full press release here

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]

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