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Wikipedia Indonesia Resmi Diluncurkan

Jumat 20 Maret 2009 kemarin Wikimedia Indonesia resmi meluncurkan Wikipedia ke publik Indonesia. Dihadiri oleh 29 perwakilan dari media elektronik dan media cetak, Wikimedia mengundang Christian Sugiono sebagai duta Wikimedia dengan slogan "Bebaskan Pengetahuan".

Acara yang dihadiri Ivan Lanin (Executive Director Wikimedia Indonesia), Ari Juliano Gema (Lead Project dan Kuasa Hukum Wikimedia Indonesia) ini berisikan pemutaran video berjudul "Truth in Numbers : The Wikipedia Story" dan menginformasikan ke media mengenai Wikimedia Indonesia sebagai organisasi untuk lisensi Creative Commons.

Berikut email yang dikirim perwakilan dari Wikimedia Indonesia

I would like to inform you that Wikimedia Indonesia is officially launch to Indonesian Public through press conference event on 20 March 2009. The event was attended by 29 electronic and print media using Indonesian movie star Christian Sugiono as "Bebaskan Pengetahuan" envoy (well known in South East Asia) . Speakers: Bp. Cahyana Directorate General Content and IT for Minister of Communication and Information (who canceled his attendance because need to attend something in Papua), Christian Sugiono, Ivan Lanin (WMID Executive Director) , Ari Juliano Gema (WMID lead project and lawyer for Creative Commons inititative for Indonesia) Bebaskan pengetahuan (doesn't translate well in English but more or less meant: "Let your knowledge free") During the press conference we also: 1) Play footage of the movie "Truth in Numbers: The Wikipedia Story" (about 4 minutes) - subtitled in Indonesian sent from U.S. by request from Movie Director Nic Hill (since I don't know how to download it :-p + sorry this gal is not so electronically savvy) 2) inform the media about Wikimedia Indonesia as the Creative Commons host organization in Indonesia and initiate the effort. With this launch, we're now officially open membership to the public and open for fund raising with main effort: capacity building for Indonesian people on how to contribute to the "free your knowledge" effort.

tips : louCypher

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