
WeYap Probably Shuts Its Services

1 min read
October 13, 2015

It mostly seems that WeYap’s first anniversary will be the only anniversary it will ever have. According to our investigation, the team no longer run any activity and digital campaign at the moment. Unfortunately, there’s no confirmation has been made on this matter to date.

We discussed with WeYap’s Co-Founder Kelly Oktavian about the team’s target and strategy. He was confident that by applying a lean strategy, he could slowly lead WeYap to expand to other big cities within a year. However, we just received tip stating that WeYap has shut its operations as per last week.

We then checked Oktavian’s profile page on LinkedIn. There, he clearly states that he is in charge of WeYap no more. This tickled us to analyze deeper and find out what actually happened to this once-promising company.

We continued our investigation by visiting WeYap’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. In result, we found out that the team don’t update their activities there anymore.

Our source also stated that WeYap and Mountain Kejora, the startup’s backer, are no longer on the same page.

We tried contacting the Mountain Kejora team, as well as WeYap’s partnering merchants, to get confirmation on this, but none has given any word yet.

We will update you as soon as we receive any confirmation on this.

Translated by Rifki Aria Nugraha

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