Recently, digitization for SME is getting intense to create competitiveness amidst the economic challenges caused by the pandemic. Startups are using this huge business cake by presenting various digital solutions through all aspects, fintech, supply chain, logistics, e-commerce, marketing, and others.
In order to present the bigger picture, DailySocial describes the players in each segment. Here’s the summary:

A. Go Digital
1. E-commerce enabler: omnichannel, commerce site builder
- The existence of a brand on an online platform is quite an obligation to be recognized by many people nowadays. These e-commerce enabler players usually present various solutions according to their business stages to facilitate the overall migration process, starting from online store creation services and synchronizing sales to various marketplaces and online shop sites in one dashboard.
The larger the business scale, the more complex the e-commerce solution. For example, when you want to implement an omnichannel strategy or need a supply chain system to help the logistics process, you need experts and the right solution. Some of the players are:
- Omnichannel:
– Sirclo
– Jet Commerce
– PowerCommerce
– iSeller - Commerce site builder:
– Sirclo
– aCommerce
– ForStok
– Egogo Hub
– Intrepid22. On demand services: online delivery, online order
This on-demand service is generally dominated by the culinary sector, which is fully supported by GrabFood and GoFood. By combining the strength of the driver’s fleet and some culinary business, the food delivery service is increasingly booming in Indonesia.
Apart from offering easy access and delivery, there are many digital solutions for MSMEs, such as marketing solutions, payments, inventory, financial records, and so on. We divided these solutions into two parts, as follows:
- Online delivery:
– GoBiz
– GrabMerchant - Online order:
– DigiResto
3. Online marketplace: B2B, B2C, partnership
The presence of the e-commerce platform creates an impact as it’s easier for MSMEs to reach many new users. With the whole ecosystem prepared for the e-commerce players, it is expected that more MSMEs will take advantage of this opportunity to expand their business. Here are the players:
- B2B:
– Ralali
– Bhinneka - B2C:
– Shopee
– Tokopedia
– Bukalapak - Partnership:
– Mitra Tokopedia
– Mitra Bukalapak
– Mitra Shopee
– Blibli Mitra
– GrabKios
4. Social commerce
Amid the efforts of e-commerce players to encourage more MSMEs to enter their platforms, MSMEs are keen to sell through social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. This application is considered more personal as it can directly interact with consumers.
The enthusiasm of MSMEs to join social media does not immediately subside, in fact, it is getting increased. The social commerce players are using the big opportunity by offering easy sales via short message applications and social media. The players are quite diverse:
– Woobiz
– Storie
– Chilibeli
– RateS
– Super
– Desty
– Halosis
– Qios by
– GoStore by Gojek
– Kitabeli
– Evermos
B. Financial
1. Loan: working capital, supply chain
In order for MSMEs to grow continuously, they need capital loans from conventional financial institutions. However, as their business is unbankable, there are difficulties in accessing loans. Fintech lending players are trying to solve this issue, not only providing working capital, another form of which is being provided is supply chain loans. The players include:
- Working capital
– Amartha
– Modalku
– Investree
– KoinWorks
– Akseleran
– Modal Rakyat - Supply Chain:
– AwanTunai
– Crowdo - Crowdfunding:
– Santara
– Bizhare
– LandX
2. Payment : e-money, payment gateway, POS
Payment players are paying attention to the sustainability of MSMEs to be connected to various payment methods, adjusting to the latest conditions. The presence of the POS application is also considered very helpful for MSMEs as this all-in-one application does not only function to record finances. There are many players in this segment:
- E-money:
– LinkAja
– GoPay
– ShopeePay - Payment gateway:
– Cashlez
– Midtrans
– Xendit
– iPaymu
– Finpay - POS:
– Jubelio
– Majoo
– Qasir
– Kasir Pintar
– YouTap
– Moka
– Cashlez
– Pawoon
– iSeller
– Olsera
3. Tax
Although it still in the MSME stage, taxation should not be taken lightly. There are several players in this sector trying to invite business owners to comply as taxpayers as soon as possible. The services provided start from the payment process, reporting, and tax management. Some of the players are:
– KlikPajak (Mekari)
– OnlinePajak
– HiPajak
4. API Enabler
When businesses have rapidly grow, the digital solutions needed will continue to follow the needs. API enabler players are here to answer these needs, especially in the financial-related field. They provide integrated solutions in one API, for payment, financial and banking services, therefore, businesses can add value to their customers. Here are some of the players:
– Ayoconnect
– Finantier
– Brankas
– Brick
C. Marketing: email marketing, influencer marketing
SMEs should also pay attention to marketing strategies to acquire consumers with existing budgets. Simple marketing via social media platforms or short messages is not necessarily enough. Therefore, there are players in this sector who specifically help MSMEs to market their products:
- Email marketing: MTarget
- Influencer marketing: Allstar
D. Operational
1. Accounting: micro-small, medium-large
The biggest reason why MSMEs are unbankable is due to poor financial management, they still use manual recording, making it difficult to see how the business is progressing or is it actually experiencing loss. Therefore, the existence of special software is clearly required. Here’s a list of startup players who present financial management solutions:
- Micro-Small:
– Credibook
– BukuKas
– Moodah
– BukuWarung
– Akuntansi UKM
– Lababook
– Teman Bisnis
– Akuntansiku
– Kasvlo
– Kasir Pintar
– Majoo
– - Medium-Large:
– Jubelio
– Jurnal (Mekari)
– Jojonomics
– Accurate
– Zahir
2. HR Management: HRIS, employee benefit, field worker management, productivity & collaboration tools
As MSMEs grow, it will face advanced challenges. One that is often highlighted is the human resources management, from payroll, attendance, annual leave, reimbursement, and so on. It takes the presence of a software to help make it quick and efficient. Here are some startups that focus on providing HR management:
– Catapa
– Talenta (Mekari)
– Jojonomics
– KaryaOne
– Gadjian
– Benemica
– Synergo - Employee benefit:
– Payuung - Field worker management:
– - Productivity & collaboration tools
E. Business Growth: CRM, ERP, loyalitas, Environment Health Safety (EHS)
In order for the company to continue to survive, it requires a business development strategy that does not only focus on product expansion, but how the company can maintain relationships with customers. It has to do with CRM. Another thing is the ERP solution when the business starts become real.
ERP solutions are not only for the enterprise level, it’s also gaining popularity at the SME level because of the benefits. For example, purchasing raw materials, maintaining network with other companies, and managing job descriptions for workers.
The objectives of CRM and ERP are interrelated for the development of the company’s business, there are also other supporting elements that startups should take seriously. Here are the players who focus on business development services:
- CRM:
– Qontak
– Majoo
– Digiresto
– Smartlink
– Jojonomics - ERP:
– Runsystem
– Esensi Solusi Buana (ESB)
– Genie - Loyalitas:
– TADA - Environment Health Safety (EHS):
– Nimbly
F. Logistics: Transportation management, warehouse, warehouse management system (WMS), 3PL aggregator, last mile logistics
Logistics is essential for the MSME business as it’s going digital related to service to consumers. Moreover, Indonesia’s logistics issues are still a handful. Various logistics players who are specialists in their respective fields offer solutions for MSMEs:
- Manajemen transportasi:
– Advotics
– Waresix
– Kargo - Pergudangan:
– Shipper
– Crewdible
– Pakde
– LODI - Warehouse management system (WMS):
– Jubelio
– Genie
– Anchanto
– Advotics
– Waresix
– Pakde - 3PL agregator:
– Shipper
– - Supply chain:
– Ula - Last mile logistics:
– Paxel
– Ninja Express
– SiCepat
– Anteraja
– Pos Indonesia
– Wahana
G. Legal
As the MSMEs getting more developed, it requires preparation for legality in order to become a legal entity. However, as the legal language is difficult for common people to understand, the existence of startups in this field to provide assistance is needed. The startups in this segment are:
– Legalku
– Lexar
– HukumOnline
H. Software/IOT
MSMEs are not always about businesses engaged in services or trade, but also fisheries, livestock, and others that need digital solutions to help develop their businesses. Generally, the solutions presented for this sector are in the form of smart devices powered by IoT. This tool operates many tasks, one of which is to provide automatic feed for a successful harvest in the future. The players in this sector are:
– eFishery
Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian
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